Is it time for your company to partner with a co-packer?

Is it time for your company to partner with a co-packer?

December 4th, 2019|Blog|

You’ve done all the hard work and now your business is thriving. Now you need to invest more time in your research and development and save time on your manufacturing. But how? Could it be time for your company to partner with a co-packer?There are many great reasons to partner with a co-packer. So, let’s take a look at some of these and see if they fit with your business goals.


Co-packers are experts in their field. They have specialized staff that are knowledgeable in different co-packing methods and techniques. This mean there’s no need for you to hire new personnel and more importantly take the time and effort to train. With any new process there is undoubtedly much time and a great learning curve in order to implement. Further to that there’s bound to be some mistakes starting up. You can easily eliminate these problems by utilizing an experienced co-packer. This will save you time and money – two things that all great businesses are always in need of.

Product Requirements:

Depending on your product you might also have very specific requirements. Handling food is very different from handling consumer packaged goods. All products come with their own set of needs. By partnering with a co-packer, you benefit from their quality systems and certifications. Look for a co-packer that has certifications geared toward your product offering. For example, if you have a food product it’s best to use a co-packer with an SQF certification. Take a look at the following link for some more information on SQF certification:
Don’t forget to schedule a tour. A great co-packer is always keen to show off their facilities and processes!


As your business grows there’s a good chance that your product offering will as well. This means different types of machinery to package different types and formats of product. This can get quite costly when you add up all the different equipment that you’ll require in order to make this happen. This won’t be the only cost prohibitive hurdle you’ll face. All that different equipment will require regular maintenance and upkeep. You’ll also need different materials for each of your different packaging needs. Depending on your volumes the materials might not come at the best rate. Your company will also need to find dependable suppliers and go through the vetting process with them. Partnering with a qualified co-packer means you’ll be benefitting from their various partnerships with trusted vendors. Not only will the co-packer have already completed the vetting process you’ll also enjoy the cost savings on materials that’ll be passed along to you.
Customer Service:
You can have all of the above and it won’t amount to much if you don’t have great customer service. A great customer service team will keep you up to date on all the important aspects of your jobs. Is your job on schedule? Did all the different components arrive on time? Are there shortages or damages? It can be hard to keep track of all the moving components with many jobs. You want to ensure that your co-packer has great communication and a can-do attitude. One that will go above and beyond to make sure that your project runs smoothly, on time and to spec. They should have a passion for keeping you – the client happy. Or as our customer service team would say – happy client happy co-packer 😊

Social Purpose:

You’ve come this far in your search for the perfect co-packer – what more could there be? How about a company that does more than provide quality reliable service? More than expertise in the field? More than amazing customer service? What about a company with a social purpose? That operates for more than just a profit. That gives back – truly. Not just through a once a year donation to a charity but year-round. Whose values, integrity and vision surpass that of the everyday business. If this sounds like you and your company we encourage you to take a look at our mission. We think you’ll be as inspired as we are everyday knowing that we contribute to creating better lives for those living with developmental disabilities: